Knowledge sharing and skills

LHG Group is a Danish company with a strong focus on knowledge sharing. In the daily work, the knowledge that continuously comes from all our partners is collected and shared.

LHG Group's mission with knowledge sharing is to spread professional fact-based knowledge about rust protection for both the automotive and industrial sectors. LHG Group collaborates with, among others, Aarhus University regarding green transition, i.a. is focused on the UN's 17 Global Goals.

Treatment schedule

Treatment schedules are important when a center is treating a car from rust. The schedule guides the operator in how the car should be treated. The technology in modern cars is very comprehensive and it is therefore important to know where to treat a vehicle and where not to. The forms are developed i.a. by LHG Group's technical department and an external supplier.

Product test

Basically, all rust protection products are developed and approved according to international norm tests, such as SIS norm and ISO standard.

LHG Group has different test equipment in its own laboratory, where the rust protection products are continuously quality tested to ensure that the SIS norm and ISO standard are maintained.

LHG Group tests i.a. products in a special salt fog chamber. It is a closed container where the climate is so extreme that in just 80 hours you can simulate two years of uninterrupted driving in fog and rainy weather. When the test is over, it is clear whether the product works as it should.

Cooperation with Århus university

Aarhus university

At LHG Group, we are constantly working to improve the green transition. Therefore, LHG Group entered a collaboration with Aarhus University on the project Greenbizz.

The purpose of the project is:

  • To reduce the company's total energy consumption by 10-15%
  • And/or switch to more renewable energy (green energy) 10-15% of the total energy consumption
  • Reduce CO2 emissions as a result of the above
  • To set up a green business model dashboard that continuously measures the green business model's parameters and knows how green the company is

Through the project, LHG Group gets, among other things:

  • New knowledge about how a company can work to reduce energy consumption and increase the share of green energy in relation to the company's total energy consumption.
  • Access to new models and tools for green business model analysis and innovation
  • Establishment of new green business models measuring technology and tools